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Section 207 in Title II of the Higher Education Act, as amended, requires each state receiving funding under the Act to report annually on the quality of teacher preparation in the state, including-

Reports by states using assessments include pass rates on tests disaggregated and ranked by teacher preparation program in the state. As required by Title II, institutions of higher education with teacher preparation programs submitted these pass rates and other information in their reports to states in April 2004. The law also requires institutions to include the information in their reports in publications such as college catalogs and promotional materials sent to potential applicants, secondary school counselors, and prospective employees of an institution's graduates.

The state reports on this website incorporate the information and data submitted by the states in October 2004. Section 207 requires states to report using the key definitions of terms and uniform reporting methods developed by the Department of Education. These are in the Reference and Reporting Guide for Preparing State and Institutional Reports on the Quality of Teacher Preparation (available at The federal government is charged with making data from state reports widely and publicly available. Westat, a contractor to the federal government, has assembled the reports and made them available on the web.

Information from these reports will be presented in the Secretary of Education's annual report on the quality of teacher preparation in the nation due by April 2005. Title II also requires preparing the Secretary's report.

The U.S. Department of Education welcomes comments and suggestions concerning these state reports. Comments and suggestions can address any facet of them, from mode of presentation to data quality. Please email them to [email protected].

This website provides the Title II data for each state. States were required to submit the information on October 7, 2004.

This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer version 4 or above using 800x600 resolution.

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